If you’re facing the frustrating black screen on startup issue in Overwatch 2, don’t worry. This error has been plaguing players for months, but there are several solutions you can try to resolve it.
One effective method is to delete certain files in the sysWOW and system32 folders. Look for the following files: RzChromaSDK64.dll, RzChromaSDK.dll, and RzAPIChromaSDK.dll. If you can’t find them in these folders, they may be located elsewhere. Deleting these files has proven successful for many players.
Another solution is to temporarily disable your antivirus software and relaunch the game. Sometimes, antivirus programs can interfere with game startup, so turning them off might solve the problem.
If the issue persists, try resetting the game. Access the game settings by clicking the gear icon next to the play button and choose the option to reset the game. This could potentially resolve the black screen issue.
Some players have found success by reducing the FPS count to 48 and playing on 1080P resolution. This lesser-known solution might work for you as well.
If none of these methods work, consider updating or reinstalling your graphic drivers to ensure they are up to date. Also, make sure you have administrator rights on your computer before launching Overwatch 2.
In conclusion, troubleshooting the black screen issue in Overwatch 2 involves trying various methods until you find one that works for you. If all else fails, you can contact Blizzard Support for further assistance. They are dedicated to helping you enjoy your gaming experience without any hurdles.
How to Fix the Black Screen on Startup for Overwatch 2 - Clayton County Register
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